
Discover a range of pet essentials

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dog food

Pet Food & Treats

The PAWS HQ offers a wide variety of high-quality pet food options. Our pet food is made with the finest ingredients, ensuring your furry friend receives all the nutrition they need to maintain a healthy and happy life. What sets our pet food apart is that it is proudly American-made, emphasizing our commitment to supporting local businesses and providing the best for your pet.

Pet Supplies & Toys

We understand the importance of having the right supplies to care for your beloved pets. At The PAWS HQ, we stock a comprehensive range of pet supplies, including leashes, collars, grooming tools, and more. Our products are crafted with utmost care and attention to detail, reflecting our dedication to top quality. Additionally, by choosing our pet supplies, you are supporting American manufacturers and contributing to the growth of local businesses.

variety of items for pets

Grooming & Cat Litter

Grooming is a vital aspect of pet care that encompasses a range of activities to maintain the health, cleanliness, and appearance of pets. This is why we are the best choice for grooming products for your pet.

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